Heading to the Estuary in 2015
Anamaria Marinca in Monster
This year Eelyn Lee is looking forward to developing her feature-length film, MONSTER. Following last year's successful first stage of development supported by the Barbican and Arts Council England, Eelyn is now seeking support to take the project in to an estuary setting.
In December 2014 Eelyn led a team of collaborating artists, performers and musicians through a 5-day lab in the Barbican's studio theatre, exploring new ways of making moving image work through processes of improvisation.
Three working days later, Eelyn and the 'Monster Team' showcased three edited scenes filmed during the lab. Writer and curator Gareth Evans [Whitechapel Gallery] who presented the event said,
"...The idea that we would see something translated so profoundly from a theatrical space to a cinematic one in just a handful of days is really extraordinary... the process starts ironically in a theatre space and becomes more cinematic as it goes on. A wonderful paradox..."
Taking it's inspiration from Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Monster explores notions of demons, fear and otherness, using the setting of the estuary as location.
Eelyn is currently looking to transfer the process, characters and stories to a real setting along the Thames Estuary. Please get in touch if you would like to join the conversation, particularly if you have links with the estuary.
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Read Gareth Evans's article about the 5-day lab here.